Preventative Dental Care

Dr. Tracey offers a variety of preventative dental services to help you and your family stay on top of your oral hygiene.

A typical dental exam will include checking the patient’s gums, teeth, and soft tissue in addition to checking for decay or abnormalities. Dr. Turner also will do an oral cancer screening looking inside of the mouth to check for red or white patches or mouth sores.

Even if you are very diligent about taking care of your teeth, plaque and tartar will still build up on the teeth. The bacteria in your mouth feed on sugars and their byproduct is acid.  Plaque is a combination of the bacteria, the sugar, and the acid.  Plaque can be brushed off, but if left on, can harden and becomes calculus, or tartar.  Tartar cannot be brushed off and needs to be removed from a dental professional.  This is called a dental prophylaxis or teeth cleaning.

Dental x-rays help Dr. Turner visualize diseases of the teeth and surrounding tissue – cavities, abscesses, and bone loss – that cannot be seen with a simple oral exam.

One of the most common places for children to get cavities is in the pits and grooves of their molars, their back teeth.  The pits and grooves are just too tiny for a toothbrush to completely clean out. With sealants, the molars are cleaned and then a protective acrylic sealer is place into the grooves.  It is an easy procedure that only takes a few minutes and can hold up for years before needing to be replaced.

Fluoride treatments are used to strengthen teeth enamel.

Childrens Dentistry

Children's Dentistry

At Dr. Turner’s office, we like to see children for the first time between the ages of 2 and 3. On the child’s first visit, we will show them all the cool stuff we will use. We will show the child how the chair works.  We will count the teeth, and if he or she will allow us, we will also polish the teeth and apply a fluoride treatment.  We like to call this “tooth vitamins”.  It is always best to talk to your child beforehand about going to the dentist. There are DVDs and books that may be helpful in preparing your child.

Visit Us

We are conveniently located on Beaver Grade Road in Moon Township.

Our Location

934 Beaver Grade Road
Moon Township, PA 15108

Office Hours

Monday: 7:30AM–4PM
Tuesday: 7:30AM–1:30PM
Wednesday: 7:30AM–4PM
Thursday: 7:30AM–4PM